Saturday, December 31, 2011

Totally Pissed

First thing, LOADS of assignments to do on holidays.

Even if you want so badly to start the assignments before holidays, U CAN'T!!!


And now? Everything is cramped into the 2 week holidays break.

Then there is math assignments!
That Frigging maths teacher? CHEENA PIANG!

And then? When she teaches the concept. She rushed.
Plus she took the easy examples for concept teaching.

And the maths assignment she gave??? TOTALLY DIFF FROM THE EXAMPLES SHE TEACHED!

Then expect us to do liddat, with no help from her.
Some more? She thinks Malaysian and China people are better than SINGAPOREANS.

I don't disagree if they are smarter in the maths sense.
Because they did their maths studies beforehand in their own country.

And u can FUCKING judge singaporean students more stupid?
If we learnt beforehand, DO YOU THINK WE WILL LOSE TO THEM???

Like shit. 1st day of 2012, and i m pissed from doing the maths assignment.

It sux.

1 comment:

  1. Chill buddy!! Just don't bother your lecturer and you know that she criticize us singaporean, let her be as can't expect to change her style all of the sudden. *SPLASHING water hose to cool down* :)
